Micro Rasbora Sawbwa (Sawbwa Resplendens)


Micro Rasbora Sawbwa (Sawbwa Resplendens) , Rummy Nose Rasbora (Sawbwa resplendent), Sawbwa Barb, and Asian Rummynose are other names for this species.

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Micro Rasbora Sawbwa (Sawbwa resplendens) Compatibility: Peaceful, schooling Temp: 18 – 22C Max Size: 3.5cm pH 6.0 – 8.0 Diet: High quality dry, frozen, and live foods.

Rummy Nose Rasbora (Sawbwa resplendent), Sawbwa Barb, and Asian Rummynose are other names for this species.
The Sawbwa Rasbora genus is monotypic, which means that the genus has only one species. Sawbwa resplendens belong to the family Cyprinidae, the minnows or carps.

Sawbwa resplendens is a peaceful, lively schooling fish that needs a lot of free swimming space. Don’t keep them with less than 12 as this is a real schooling fish; if not, they will be very shy! In the wild, it occurs in gigantic schools. They are calm and small, making them well-suited for a small aquarium. Their tank mates will also have to be peaceful; otherwise, the Saawbwa Barb will remain shy and you will not enjoy them much. This species can reach a total length of around 3 to 4 centimeters.

The female does not look very spectacular. Males are silvery to steel-blue with bright red head and blood-red spots at the tips of their caudal fins, while females are gray-brown.

The aquarium should be decorated with dense vegetation on the edges and background. The water should not be too soft, as this will cause the colours to fade. Provide some swimming space at the front so you can enjoy them.

Breeding is not difficult as long as the youngsters are fed enough small food. The eggs are deposited between fine-leaved plants like jave moss. After spawning, the parents must be removed. You can feed the fry with infusion.

The price mentioned is for single fish
The photo/video is for illustrative purposes only.

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SKU 1030